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    voici votre spoil de la semaine sortez vos mouchoirs:

    Chapter 588: Sabo's Sea
    Page 03:
    Citizen: Hey!! That's my ship!! He stole my fishing ship!! Where is he going!?
    Citizen: He's raising a black flag!! Is he trying to be a pirate!?
    This is foolish!! A single child pirate!?

    Citizen: The World Government ship is arriving soon!! You're in the way of the ceremony!!
    Hey you!! Hurry up and come back!!

    Sabo: What scares me the most... is for me to be swallowed up in this city, and being changed..!! I'm not returning!!

    Magra: What!? Isn't that..... Sabo!?
    Page 04:
    Citizen: The Government ship has arrived!!
    Sabo: ........ wow, it's a huge ship... my ship may be caught in the waves. I should sail away from it.

    World Noble: ...What is that thing eh?
    Guard: It appears to be just a fisherman's ship

    Page 05:
    Citizen: So a real World Noble is on that ship!!
    They are such divine existence, you'd be lucky to see them once in your life time...!!
    Sabo: It'll be cool to one day become a captain of a ship that large....
    Page 06:
    Luffy: Ace isn't dead!!
    Magra: calm down, I understand how you feel...
    but right now, you're in no shape to be going to the trash mount where the army is roaming about!

    Magra: With a huge fire like that, I know the chances are slim.. but we want to believe boss and Ace are alive as well!
    Dogra is checking out the Trash mount right now, leave it up to him!
    Magra: Listen Luffy, we're all in pain just like you!
    Luffy: ....!!

    Citizen: The fishing ship's been fired at!
    Dogra: Sabo!!
    Citizen: Is the child ok!? He must have gotten on the nerves of the World Noble!!

    Page 07:
    Sabo: Damn!! The ship's on fire!! Why did they suddenly fire at me...!?
    Citizen: Saint Jalmac, there was a child on that ship!!
    Jalmac: If you raise a pirate flag, you're a pirate no matter who you are... besides, he was a lowly citizen crossing the path of my ship!!
    Page 08:
    Citizen: .....!!
    Noble: What was that ship about!?
    Hurry up and clean up the debris!! What if we displease the Celestial Dragon on a important ceremonial day like this!?

    Dogra: ........!!

    Page 09:
    Bandit: Hey everyone!! They're back!!
    Luffy & Bandits: Ace!!! Boss!!
    We're so relieved!! You both made it back safely!!
    Page 10:
    Luffy: AAAACEEE!!!
    Ace: Luffy, did you think I died?
    Luffy: well...*sob*
    Ace: What are you crying for!? Don't kill me off that easily!!

    Ace: That night in the fire... we actually won against Bluejam, but by that time the road was all blocked by fire.
    Dadan was burned badly in the fire, so I hid her in the riverside of "Forest of Inbetween", and stole medicine and such from the town to keep her alive.

    Page 11:
    Magra: I see, well I'm glad both of you are alive.
    Bandit: Boss, take care of yourself and get well
    Dadan: ...I'm sorry fellas for keeping your worried
    Ace: With Trash Mount in a shape like that... I wonder if Sabo's worried about us

    Dadan: Ace... why didn't you run away?
    Ace flashback: I won't run away!!

    Ace: once in a while... I get all riled up, and I get scared that if I run, I'll lose something very important...
    and that time, I was (rest cut off)
    Page 12:
    Ace: (continued from At that time...) Luffy was behind me
    I don't know, but that was probably the reason....

    Garp: Even when facing an army he couldn't possibly defeat, Roger never ran, and stood his place.
    Dadan: Did he want to die? Running is part of a battle too
    Garp: That's true, but he still wouldn't run away... as long as there are loved ones behind him.
    If he run with them, his crew would be in danger as well.
    To elaborate... it's not "No running away". He doesn't "let his enemy go" to prevent them from pursuing his crew.

    Page 13:
    Garp: And Roger at the moment could only be described as "Demon"!!
    He even destroyed an entire army of a nation because someone spoke badly about his crewmate.
    Yeah, if you get him angry he would be extremely violent, short tempered, and selfish.
    But his actions were always as simple and pure as a child.

    Garp: Probably it's because he was born and raised much like Ace... he feared extremely of losing those he loved.
    "Pirate King" was the result of him living recklessly like that, yet somehow lucked out and surviving.
    He may be terribly infamous to the world, but among his crew he gained the utmost trust.
    Even a marine like me couldn't hate him... that's why I took care of Ace.

    Dadan: Hell no!! The one being forced to take care of Ace is us!!
    Garp: What, do you have objection to it?
    Dadan: ....!! Uh, of course not!!
    (flashback ends)

    Dadan: Even though he hates him... he still carries the blood of his father...
    Luffy: Hm? Hey Dogra! You went to look for Ace and Dadan right? They both came back already!
    Dogra: !! Really? Well that's good...!!

    Ace: You LIE!! Even if you're joking, I won't forgive you for it!!
    Dogra: It's not a joke or a lie!! It happened so suddenly... I couldn't believe my eyes!! I thought I was seeing things or dreaming it!!
    Luffy, you said Sabo was taken back by his noble parents, right? Thugs like us understand that there are some places you never want to go back to!!
    If he was really happy... would he sailed off to the sea like that!? Would he raise a pirate flag and sail out to the sea all by himself!?

    Ace flashback: Forget Sabo for now... we promised, remember? This might be his happiness

    Luffy: Sabo.... he wasn't happy at all!!!

    Sabo flashback: Don't be offended by me saying this... but even with my parents around, I was always alone

    Ace: Why... why didn't we go take him back!!

    Sabo flashback: I'll do whatever, and live however you want me to!! So please, don't harm these two!!
    Dadan: This world killed Sabo!! What could you possibly do!!?
    Your father died and changed the era!! You decide however you want to live and die, AFTER you achieved that level of manliness!!!

    Dadan: Tie this idiot up!!
    Bandits: Y..yes ma'am!!

    Luffy: SABOOOO!!!!!!
    Ace: Shut up Luffy!! You're a man, don't go about crying like that!!
    Luffy: Waaaaaaaahhhhh!!!
    Bandit: Have you cooled your head yet, Ace?
    Ace: ....where's Luffy?
    Bandit: He's been crying through out the night, and sleeping right now.
    Dogra: Hey boss!! We just recieved a letter!
    It's from... Sabo!! He left a letter before he set out to the sea!!

    Ace: Give it to me!! I won't go to the town anymore... that letter was made out to us, right!?

    Sabo's letter: Ace, Luffy, are you alright? Were your hurt in the fire? I'm worried about you, but I believe you two are safe.
    I'm sorry you guys, but by the time you read this letter, I'll already be out in the sea.

    After much thinking, I decided to go ahead before you guys.
    The destination is... wherever other than this country.
    When we all become freer pirates than anyone, we three brothers will meet again somewhere.
    Out somewhere in this big, free ocean, I promise!
    Oh, and Ace... you and I, who'se the older brother?
    Two first brothers and one younger brother... that may sounds strange, but this bond is my treasure.
    Luffy is still weak and a crybaby, but he's our little brother. Take care of him for me.


    Editor: Endless tears!!

    1 commentaire
  • Bonjour tout le monde ,

    Grande nouvelle qui vien juste de m'arriver alors que le festival est déjà commencé depuis le 7 juin
    , je vien de recevoir un message de Glénat me disant que One Piece Film 10 Strong World serait en compétition dans les long métrage des film d'animation !!

    Il sera diffusé tout les jour jusqu'au 12 juin , donc si jamais vous avez le bonheur d'allé à annecy prochainement n'oubliez pas votre camescope. >_<

    voici pour vous le lien vers la programation du festival : >>ici<<

    et encore désolé du retard de l'information cher bloggueur mais Glénat est à la bourre à ce niveau là ce mois-ci!!

    2 commentaires
  • Voici votre épisode de la semaine ^^


    en VA:>>ici<<


    en VOSTFR: >>ici<<


    preview 455:

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  • Alors aujourd'hui je vais vous présenter le très célèbre Anime "Cowboy Bebop" (très célèbre mais je suis sur que quelques personnes ne connaissent pas. On va tenter d'y remédier ^^).

    Composé de 26 épisodes, cette série réalisée par le grand, l'immense, l'incommensurable Shinichiro Watanabe (euh t'en fait pas un peu trop là ??), qui a également réalisé Samouraï Champloo, raconte l'histoire d'un groupe de chasseurs de primes à bord de leur vaisseau spatial le "Bebop". Il faut savoir que la série se passe après "l'accident de la Gate" (les Gates sont des portails qui permettent de passer en hyperespace et ainsi de rendre les voyages interplanétaire plus rapide). Cet accident arracha un morceau de la Lune qui vient s'écraser sur la Terre causant des milliards de morts. La Terre devenu trop dangereuse à cause des chutes de météorites, la plupart des habitants partirent coloniser les planètes, les satellites (artificiels ou naturels) du système solaire.

    Au départ seul deux "cowboys" (chasseur de prime dans l'argo de 2071) cohabitent dans le vaisseau :

    Spike Spiegel, tout d'abord, est un ancien membre des Dragons Rouge, une organisation criminelle de Mars. Il est très fortement inspiré de Bruce Lee, auquel il emprunte l'art martial le "Jeet Kune Do". D'un caractère nonchalant, rêveur et paresseux, on pourrait ne pas le prendre au sérieux et baisser sa garde mais c'est là que lui il attaque. Durant toute la série il est à la recherche de sa femme Julia.

    Jet Black (dit "Black Dog" parce qu'il ne lâche jamais), ensuite, est un ancien membre de l'ISSP (la police du système solaire). Il est née sur Ganymède. Il devient chasseur de prime en freelance après une enquête qui a mal tournée, dû à la corruption de la police, et qui lui couta un bras. Véritable figure paternelle de l'équipe du Bebop, il est le seul qui soit réaliste dans toutes les situations, contrairement aux autres qui ont tendances à être trop impulsifs.

    Au fil des aventures trois autres personnages se greffent à l'équipe :

    Ein. C'est un Welch Corgi, mais un chien pas comme les autres, Ein est un chien Data. De nombreuse expériences ont été faites sur lui ce qui la rendu beaucoup plus intelligent qu'un chien normal. Il est capable de joué au Shogi, de pirater un système via une interface à onde cérébrale, etc....

    Faye Valentine, née en 1994 à Singapour, elle fut congelée suite à un accident d'avion, à 20 ans, ce qui lui coûta la mémoire. Depuis sa décongélation en 2068, elle parcourt le système à la recherche de gens à excroquer pour rembourser ses dettes collosales dû au coût des soins. Mais le peu d'argent qu'elle gagne elle le perd dans les courses et les casinos.

    Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV (dit "Ed") est une hackeuse de génie de 13 ans capable de venir à bout de n'importe quel système informatique. Je dit bien "une" parce que ça n'est pas vraiment claire, elle est quelque peu androgyne, mais on nous dit que c'est une fille. On peut la considérer comme "l'esprit libre" de la série, elle aime parler et s'exclamer toute seule devant son ordinateur. Complêtement dans la lune et souvent distraite elle est la source principale de l'humour dans la série. Elle est la seule qui semble comprendre Ein.

    Tout ces personnages évoluent dans un univers sonore envoutant. Véritable moteur de la série, la musique, signé par la très célèbre Yoko Kanno, est un mélange de Blues et de Jazz. On pourrait même dire, pour souligné l'importance de ce fond musical, que la série ne serait rien sans sa bande original.

    Plusieurs fois primé et récompensé, la série restera très longtemps dans les annales. Elle a notamment reçu :

    - En 1998, le prix de la meilleure série télévisée d'animation à l'Animation Kobe.

    - En septembre 2006, est arrivée 2ème du classement des "25 meilleures animes de tous les temps" par le magazine Japonais "Newtype", suite à un sondage.


    Pour moi donc une des meilleurs série que j'ai eu l'occasion de voir. Un sénario en béton, une musique du tonnerre, et des personnages très travaillé en font un chef d'oeuvre du 7ème art. Légèrement inspiré de la saga Hypérion de Dan Simmons (qui est un de mes bouquins préféré), que du bonheur donc :).

    Je n'ai pas trouvé de lien en streaming donc si quelqu'un trouve je mettrai le lien.

    Il existe également un fim animé :


    Il semblerait également qu'un film avec Keanu Reeves serait en projet. A suivre donc.

    Bon visionage.


    4 commentaires
  • Voici le spoil de la semaine je sais que vous vous impatientez ^^:


    la VA: >>ici<<

    la VF: DDL:>>ici<<

             Lecture en ligne: >>ici<<

    made in OPS

    Chapter 587: "I won't run away"
    Ace: What the hell are you doing!! I just told you where it is!!
    BlueJam: There's still a possibility that you're lying, come with us
    Ace: You got to be joking!! That'll leave us no time to run!! You go ahead on your own!!
    BlueJam: Don't piss me off right now!!
    Even if I have to rely on the treasures you kids collected, I swore to bring revenge on the nobles!!
    your "brother" is just like them! They look at themsevles so special, and consider all other humans as trash!!

    Ace: Sabo doesn't think that way!!
    BlueJam: No, it's the same you fool!! He was just feeding his ego by hanging out with you!!
    Why would he ever feel threatened with a rich parents like that!?
    You guys were just toyed around by a noble's whim!!
    Deep inside, he was always looking down on you, and laughing at you!!
    Ace: don't you dare speak about Sabo like that any more!!!

    Luffy: That's right, Sabo just wanted to be free!!
    Pirate: damn this brat!!
    Luffy: ow!!!
    Pirate: I'm gonna kill him...!

    Ace: DON'T YOU LAY A HAND ON LUFFY!!!!!!!!

    *pirates fall down*

    BlueJam: What the hell did you just do, you freakish kid!!!
    Luffy: Ace!? No, stoooppp!!!!
    Dadan: Stop it, you sea bonze!! Let Ace go!!
    BlueJam: !!??

    Luffy: ....!? Dadan! Why are you guys here!?
    Magra: There you are!!
    Dogra: Man, you're hurt badly, Luffy!!
    Luffy: Dogra! Have you seen Sabo!?
    Dogra: Sabo's alright, but he's not here

    BlueJam: You... you're the boss monkey of the Colbo mountain, aren't you?
    Dadan: I'm the mountain bandit Dadan!! Through odd fate, I've been appointed foster parent to these brats.
    Alright, you guys... now we.... RUN!!
    Bandits: Yes boss!! Hurry up, Ace!!
    Ace: I won't... run away!!

    Dogra: What are you talking about Ace!? Don't mess with him!! BlueJam's infamy isn't for nothing!!
    He's not at the level that a kid like you should trifle with!!
    Luffy: M...me too!!
    Magra: No, Luffy!!

    Dadan: You guys, take Luffy and go ahead!!
    Bandit: boss!?
    Dadan: I swear I'll bring Ace home!! Now GO!
    Bandits: yes boss!!
    Boss!! Please come back to us safely!!

    BlueJam: A woman and a child.... heh.
    Just because you're confident with your skills... don't over estimate yourself.
    The onlyes ones to live through a warzone are the "strong" and the "cowards".
    the "brade" are fated to die....!!

    trash mount citizen: No... it's no good!! we're surrounded in flames!
    citizen: it's hot...!! I can't run anywhere!!! Why did this happen suddenly!?
    child: Waaaaaaaahhhhh!!!
    Narrator: Ace and Dadan did not return from the burning Gray Terminal....

    Magra: Ma-ma-wait Luffy, where are you going in a shape like that!
    Luffy: I'm going to go look for Ace and Dadan!!
    Magra: don't be silly!! Your wounds are deep, ma-ma-just stay put!
    Dogra: Right now there's a lot of army men taking care of the aftermath of the fire
    They are cleaing up the trash.... as well as "cleaning up" anyone who escaped the fire
    If you go right now, they'll kill you!!
    Luffy: but...!! I want to see Ace!! And I know Sabo is worried about him too!!

    The ruins of Gray Terminal

    Soldier: There aren't as many bodies as we expected
    Soldier: Damn, it stinks!! I bet the fire burned them out down to the bones!

    Ivankov: I can't believe you were keeping eye on such a remote area of East Blue.
    Is this place special to you?
    Dragon: This nation is representitive of this world's future....
    There is no happiness in a world that rids every unnecessary things
    One day, I'll change this world

    Sabo flashback: If I stay here, I can't be free!!

    Dragon: Even in a nation like this, children are born every day..!!

    Dragon: Anyone who wishes to fight for freedom, get on this ship!!!
    citizen: They say BlueJam's pirate ship was burned down as well.

    Sabo's father: It's no use to run away, Sabo!! You are our child, I will bring you back here again and again!
    You need to have a change of heart, and study like your brother Stelly!

    Sabo's father: then you need to make your father and mother happy for bringing you to this world.
    That is your happiness, don't you think so?

    Stelly: Don't worry father, I'm here!!
    father: oho ho, how reliable of you Stelly! Here, let's go buy you some expensive clothes.
    Tomorrow is the ceremony, we'll get to see the Celestial Dragons with our own eyes!

    Sabo: (Ace... Luffy... you guys are alright, right?
    I wanna see you guys so bad... this is like a birdcage here.
    I don't think I can stand living in this city reeking of human corruption.
    What is freedom? Where can I find it?)

    This day is the day the World Nobles from the Grand Line arrive to the Kingdom of Goa.
    Kingdom was preparing for a massive ceremony to welcome the ship.

    citizen: hey, someone's sailing on the ship!
    Hey!! Out of the way!! you'll get in the way of the ceremony!!
    Is that a fisherman's boat!? There's a little child on it!
    What!? A child!? Whose child is that!?

    Sabo: This is a good day! It's a perfect day to set sail!!

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